Monday, June 29, 2009

I finally gave in...

...and got a blog. I figure this is a good place to ramble on about the various topics that I'm thinking about, wrestling with, and trying to come to some place of conclusion about. Although the major drawback to digital social networking is that we can pretend to be anyone we want, and no one's the wiser, my intention for this is to do just the opposite. I hope that through these words, others can get a glimpse beyond the exterior, and see what's underneath.

Be forewarned... I'm not an impressive writer, or much of a deep thinker. I'm not much of a theologian, but I do have a deep, deep passion for God's Word, so I like to talk about that a lot. I'm willing to guess that much of what you'll find here won't be deep or profound, or interesting, for that matter. But since it's my blog...I get to write whatever unimpressive, shallow, uninteresting thoughts I want. But hey, you never know... I might come up with something worth reading.

Let see... A little about me. (This is the most narcissistic part) I am a man who is loved, and loves. I am a man who has been called to a place that I am neither deserving of or feel like I am equipped for. It's a constant reminder of 2 Corinthians 4:7... "But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us." I am certainly a clay vessel, with a handful of fractures... a "crack pot", if you will. But for whatever reason, God has chosen, in His infinite wisdom and humor, to call a goofball like me to the ministry. I certainly don't get it, but I'm thankful for it. (I don't know if the people I pastor are always so thankful for it, but I digress...). Speaking of the people. I love them. They are an incredibly loving, giving, hard working "flock of sheep". Just like every group, there are "those ones" that are hard to love, and find it hard to love. But I'm confident that the True Shepherd is working in me, and in them as well. Anyway, I have a super hot wife that I don't deserve, and who makes amazing food, art, and kids. A couple of crazy little boys who remind me a lot of how God might feel about me. (Sorry, Papa God). I'm the son of two of the most amazing examples of human beings you could ask for, and I'm just hoping if being an amazing human being is genetic, that it didn't skip me and all go to my sister (The jury is still out on that).

As far as cultural tastes, I really have a thing for old trucks, rockabilly and punk music, tattoos, and boardsports. I tend to have eclectic tastes, for which I get teased for on occasion. But that's okay. I can deal with it. I am a wrestler, of sorts. I wrestle with theology, missiology, ecclesiology, and a handful of other "ology's". I mostly wrestle with my flesh, and sometimes with some of the youth kids. Usually the kids win. Sometimes the flesh does, too. But I'm confident that the One that started this work is going to finish it, and that someday I'll be free of this annoying flesh. Until then, I'll keep wrestling.

So there you go. I'm interested to see where this goes. Thanks for coming along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. CJ, you are an impressive writer, a deeper thinker than you know, and a very interesting guy. You do have a passion for God's word and it shows when you teach. I always learn from you and love to hear the backstories, the insights and the modern day applications. I'm glad you finally gave in...
    (I know you don't care much for compliments, but just suck it up and stay humble.)
